
Lena 刘承芳 王天仪 罗仁福 | 农村儿童的家庭环境与早期发展:来自中国贵州省的证据【转】

王煜正 三农学术 2022-12-31



Kuhn Lena, Chengfang Liu, Tianyi Wang, Renfu Luo (2021). Home Environment and Early Development of Rural Children: Evidence from Guizhou Province in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(11):6121.


儿童早期发展迟缓是地区和社会阶层之间持续发展差距的原因之一。本研究利用来自中国西南贵州省村庄445名儿童的数据,试图检验家庭环境与欠发达农村地区儿童早期发展之间的关系。人口调查问卷、家庭环境观察测度法(HOME) 和贝利婴儿发育量表第三版 (BSID-III) 分别用于测量儿童的人口特征、家庭环境和早期发育结果。我们的数据显示,样本儿童在儿童发展的各个方面都存在延迟,并且在家庭量表上存在缺陷。分层回归模型的结果表明,在控制一般社会经济状况、健康和营养后,家庭学习材料的可得性、照顾者的反应能力和组织分量表与样本儿童的早期发展显着正相关,并且这种相关性因性别而异。这些结果意味着,向家庭提供学习材料,促进欠发达农村地区照顾者的反应和组织,可以改善贫困儿童的早期儿童发展


Delays in early child development are among the aspects underlying the persistent developmental gaps between regions and social strata. This study seeks to examine the relationship between the home environment and early child development in less-developed rural areas by drawing on data from 445 children from villages in Guizhou province in southwest China. A demographic questionnaire, the Home Observation Measurement of the Environment (HOME), and the Bayley Scales of Infant Development, version III (BSID-III), were used to measure the child’s demographic characteristics, home environment, and early development outcomes, respectively. Our data show that the sample children suffer a delay in various dimensions of child development and a deficit in the HOME scale. The results from a hierarchical regression model suggest that the availability of learning material at home, caregivers’ responsiveness and organization sub-scales are significantly positively correlated with the early development of sample children, after controlling for general socioeconomic status, health, and nutrition, and this correlation differs by gender. These results imply that the provision of learning material to households, promoting caregivers’ responsiveness and organization in less-developed rural areas could improve early child development among deprived children. 





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  3. Mengqi Liu 等 | 解决方案或孤立:寄宿学校是否是中国农村留守儿童的好的解决方案?

  4. 赵启然  于晓华:中国农村的父母营养知识、铁缺乏症和儿童贫血【转】

  5. AJARE | 刘承芳 等:中国农村教育的回报:一些新的估计【转】

